Forms For Buying A House
Paperwork is a big part of the homebuying process, and so is ensuring your new home is protected. Connect with a Farm Bureau agent to learn more about protecting your new home with homeowners insurance.
forms for buying a house
This publication provides tax information for homeowners. Your home may be a house, condominium, cooperative apartment, mobile home, houseboat, or house trailer that contains sleeping space and toilet and cooking facilities.
If you took out a mortgage (loan) to finance the purchase of your home, you probably have to make monthly house payments. Your house payment may include several costs of owning a home. The only costs you can deduct are state and local real estate taxes actually paid to the taxing authority and interest that qualifies as home mortgage interest.These are discussed in more detail later.
Many monthly house payments include an amount placed in escrow (put in the care of a third party) for real estate taxes. You may not be able to deduct the total you pay into the escrow account. You can deduct only the real estate taxes that the lender actually paid from escrow to the taxing authority. Your real estate tax bill will show this amount.
In some states (such as Maryland), you may buy your home subject to a ground rent. A ground rent is an obligation you assume to pay a fixed amount per year on the property. Under this arrangement, you are leasing (rather than buying) the land on which your home is located.
This means your main home or your second home. A home includes a house, condominium, cooperative, mobile home, house trailer, boat, or similar property that has sleeping, cooking, and toilet facilities.
Andrew received a house as a gift from Ishmael (the donor). At the time of the gift, the home had an FMV of $80,000. Ishmael's adjusted basis was $100,000. After he received the house, no events occurred to increase or decrease the basis. If Andrew sells the house for $120,000, he will have a $20,000 gain because he must use the donor's adjusted basis ($100,000) at the time of the gift as his basis to figure the gain.
The facts are the same as in Example 1, except this time Andrew sells the house for $70,000. He will have a loss of $10,000 because he must use the FMV ($80,000) at the time of the gift as his basis to figure the loss.
The facts are the same as in Example 1, except this time Andrew sells the house for $90,000. Initially, he figures the gain using Ishmael's adjusted basis ($100,000), which results in a loss of $10,000. Because it is a loss, Andrew must now recalculate the loss using the FMV ($80,000), which results in a gain of $10,000. So in this situation, Andrew will have neither a gain nor a loss.
If you have questions about a tax issue; need help preparing your tax return; or want to download free publications, forms, or instructions, go to to find resources that can help you right away.
Free File. This program lets you prepare and file your federal individual income tax return for free using brand-name tax-preparation-and-filing software or Free File fillable forms. However, state tax preparation may not be available through Free File. Go to to see if you qualify for free online federal tax preparation, e-filing, and direct deposit or payment options.
Buying a house involves an extensive amount of paperwork. Because the high dollar value of a home and associated mortgage requires due diligence on the part of the mortgage lender, the process takes a lot of time. You will need to have a slew of forms and paperwork ready to go once you make the decision to apply for a mortgage or purchase a house.
The primary forms required to buy a home involve income verification. You will be required to submit copies of federal income tax returns for a minimum of two years to show income stability. In addition, you will need forms showing current income sources such as pay stubs, W2 forms, 1099 forms, child support payments and alimony payments. Copies of bank statements and deposit slips might also be required to further show that you can afford to buy the home. If you are self employed or own a business you will additionally need forms such as profit and loss statements, business ownership paperwork and perhaps the company's business plan if the business is relatively new.
In addition to the routine and regular income verification forms; you also need to submit forms showing assets, investments and other holdings that help illustrate your financial solvency. Examples of the types of forms requested to buy and finance a home include 401(k) and other retirement account statements, bond holdings, stock account balances, life insurance policy forms showing cash value, and deeds or titles to other real estate holdings in your name.
You will need to verify your credit history to buy a house. The forms you will need include a copy of your credit report, cancelled checks for mortgage or rent payments, copies of utility bills to verify residency, a copy of your drivers license or other form of photo identification to help prove who you are, and information or statements relevant to any negative information contained within your credit report. If you have filed bankruptcy in the past, you will need your bankruptcy discharge form to include with your packet of paperwork.
Nonresidents must compute the gain (or loss) from the sale or transfer of certain real property, including cooperative units, and pay any estimated personal income tax due. Nonresidents who don't qualify under one of the exemptions shown on Form TP-584 or TP-584-NYC, Schedule D must present one of the following forms to the recording officer or directly to the Tax Department at the same time Form TP-584 or TP-584-NYC is filed:
Residential Real Property - Any premises that is or may be used in whole or in part as a personal residence and shall include a one, two or three-family house, an individual condominium unit or a cooperative apartment unit.
Lenders will request paperwork for your mortgage application that proves things like how much money you make and your debts. The exact forms you need for a home loan depend on your situation. For example, someone who is self-employed will likely have to provide different forms than someone who is employed by a company.
Although the exact forms might vary, Todd Huettner, owner of Huettner Capital, a residential and commercial real estate lender, says a lender can get a good sense of your likelihood of being approved by checking out your recent pay stubs, bank statements, W-2 forms and tax returns.
Most states require Seller Disclosures as part of the home buying and closing process. However, the information you need to provide to buyers will differ per state. To learn more about what you need to disclose as a seller where you live, review the disclosure requirements for your state.
Common issues that require disclosures include anything that may cause major foundation issues to a property or endanger a prospective buyer or the integrity of the house. These issues and hazards include:
For purposes of the tax credit program, it is emphasized that applicants must report total income, which means the combined gross income before any deductions are taken. Income information must be reported for the homeowner and spouse and all other occupants of the household unless they are dependents or they are paying rent or room and board. Income from all sources must be reported whether or not the monies received are included as income for Federal and State income tax purposes. Nontaxable retirement benefits such as Social Security and Railroad Retirement must be reported as income for the tax credit program. Generally, eligibility for the tax credit will be based upon all monies received in the applicant's household in a given year.
The tax credit is based upon the amount by which the property taxes exceed a percentage of your income according to the following formula: 0% of the first $8,000 of the combined household income; 4% of the next $4,000 of income; 6.5% of the next $4,000 of income; and 9% of all income above $16,000.
Example:If your combined household income is $16,000, you see from the chart that your tax limit is $420. You would be entitled to receive a credit for any taxes above the $420. If your actual property tax bill was $990, you would receive a tax credit in the amount of $570 --- this being the difference between the actual tax bill and the tax limit.
In general, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2015, California law conforms to the IRC as of January 1, 2015. However, there are continuing differences between California and federal law. When California conforms to federal tax law changes, we do not always adopt all of the changes made at the federal level. For more information, go to and search for conformity. Additional information can be found in FTB Pub. 1001, Supplemental Guidelines to California Adjustments, the instructions for California Schedule CA (540 or 540NR), and the Business Entity tax booklets.
The instructions provided with California tax forms are a summary of California tax law and are only intended to aid taxpayers in preparing their state income tax returns. We include information that is most useful to the greatest number of taxpayers in the limited space available. It is not possible to include all requirements of the California Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) in the instructions. Taxpayers should not consider the instructions as authoritative law.
Remitter - The person who will remit the withheld tax on any disposition from the sale or exchange of California real estate and file the prescribed forms on the buyer's/transferee's behalf with the FTB.
Taxable Year - The taxable year at the top of Form 593 must match the taxable year on line 32. See instructions for Part VII, line 32. We cannot process a Form 593 with an incorrect taxable year. To avoid processing delays, go to to get the correct taxable year Form 593. 041b061a72