Robbins And Cotran Atlas Of Pathology
Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th Edition, this full-color atlas offers more than 1,500 outstanding full-color illustrations that vividly depict the diseases you need to know for pathology courses and USMLE exams. A quick visual reference or review of material for students and professionals alike.
Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology
Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology 8th Edition this full-color atlas offers more than 1 500 outstanding full-color illustrations that vividly depict the diseases you need to know for pathology courses and USMLE exams. A quick visual reference or review of material for students and professionals alike. 041b061a72