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Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack: Recensione e Tutorial

Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack: How to Install and Use It

If you are a fan of 3D modeling, animation, simulation, and rendering, you have probably heard of Cinema 4D, one of the most popular and powerful software solutions in the industry. But did you know that you can also use it in Italian? In this article, we will show you how to install and use the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack, a free add-on that allows you to enjoy Cinema 4D in your native language.

Cinema 4d R14 Italian Language Pack

What is Cinema 4D and why do you need it?

Cinema 4D is a professional 3D software that lets you create stunning graphics and animations for design, motion graphics, VFX, AR/MR/VR, game development, and all types of visualization. It has a fast, powerful, flexible, and stable toolset that makes 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for beginners and experts alike. It also has a clean, modern, and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate and customize.

Cinema 4D features and benefits

Some of the main features and benefits of Cinema 4D are:

  • Comprehensive toolset: Cinema 4D has everything you need to create complex and realistic 3D models and animations. You can use its built-in tools for modeling, sculpting, texturing, lighting, shading, rigging, animating, rendering, dynamics, particles, hair, fur, cloth, fire, smoke, fluids, and more. You can also extend its functionality with plugins, scripts, presets, libraries, and assets from third-party developers.

  • Procedural workflow: Cinema 4D allows you to work non-destructively and parametrically with its procedural workflow. You can use modifiers, generators, deformers, effectors, fields, nodes, expressions, Xpresso, Python, and other tools to create complex effects and animations without creating a single keyframe. You can also adjust any parameter at any time and see the results instantly.

  • Compatibility: Cinema 4D is compatible with many other applications and formats. You can import and export files in various formats such as OBJ, FBX, Alembic, USDZ, STL, VRML, COLLADA, etc. You can also integrate Cinema 4D with other software such as Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro; CAD applications such as AutoCAD, SolidWorks; game engines such as Unreal Engine; render engines such as Redshift; compositing software such as Nuke; etc.

  • Performance and speed: Cinema 4D is optimized for performance and speed. It uses multi-core CPUs and GPUs to accelerate your workflow and rendering. It also supports network rendering with Team Render or third-party render farms. It has a low memory footprint and can handle large scenes and high-resolution textures without slowing down.

  • Versatility: Cinema 4D is versatile and adaptable to any project or industry. You can use it for any type of 3D work such as architectural visualization, product design, medical illustration, character animation, motion graphics, visual effects, etc. You can also customize it to suit your needs and preferences with its modular structure, user interface, preferences, shortcuts, layouts, menus, etc.

Cinema 4D versions and editions

Cinema 4D has different versions and editions to suit different needs and budgets. The latest version is Cinema 4D R25, which was released in September 2021. It has four editions: Cinema 4D, Cinema 4D Plus, Cinema 4D Pro, and Cinema 4D Redshift. Each edition has different features and prices, as shown in the table below:




Cinema 4D

The basic edition that includes the core features of Cinema 4D such as modeling, animation, rendering, dynamics, etc.

$59.99/month or $719.88/year

Cinema 4D Plus

The intermediate edition that adds more features such as sculpting, hair, sketch and toon, volume modeling, etc.

$84.99/month or $1,019.88/year

Cinema 4D Pro

The advanced edition that includes all the features of Cinema 4D Plus and adds more features such as nodes, fields, MoGraph, character tools, etc.

$116.99/month or $1,403.88/year

Cinema 4D Redshift

The ultimate edition that includes all the features of Cinema 4D Pro and adds the Redshift render engine, which is a fast and powerful GPU-accelerated renderer.

$139.99/month or $1,679.88/year

You can also try Cinema 4D for free for 14 days with the trial version. You can download it from the official website. You can also upgrade your edition at any time by paying the difference in price.

What is Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack and how to get it?

If you are using an older version of Cinema 4D, such as R14, you may not have the option to change the interface language to Italian. However, you can still use Cinema 4D in Italian by installing the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack, a free add-on that was released by Maxon in 2013.

Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack features and benefits

The Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack is a free add-on that allows you to use Cinema 4D R14 in Italian. It includes:

  • Italian interface: The add-on changes the interface language of Cinema 4D R14 to Italian. You can see all the menus, buttons, dialogs, tooltips, messages, etc. in Italian.

  • Italian documentation: The add-on also includes the Italian version of the Cinema 4D R14 documentation. You can access it from the Help menu or by pressing F1. You can see all the topics, tutorials, examples, etc. in Italian.

  • Italian tutorials: The add-on also includes some Italian video tutorials that show you how to use some of the features of Cinema 4D R14. You can access them from the Help menu or by pressing F2. You can see the instructor explaining and demonstrating the steps in Italian.

The Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack is a great way to learn and use Cinema 4D R14 in your native language. It can help you to understand the software better, improve your workflow, and enhance your creativity.

Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack download and installation

To download and install the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack, you need to follow these steps:

  • Download the add-on: Go to the official website and click on the Download button. You will be redirected to a page where you need to enter your email address and agree to the terms and conditions. Then click on Submit and you will receive an email with a link to download the add-on.

  • Extract the add-on: The add-on is a ZIP file that contains two folders: language and tutorials. Extract them to a location of your choice.

  • Copy the language folder: Locate the language folder that contains two files: c4d_strings.str and c4d_strings_us.str. Copy them and paste them into the resource folder of your Cinema 4D R14 installation directory. For example: C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R14 Copy the tutorials folder: Locate the tutorials folder that contains several subfolders with video files. Copy them and paste them into the tutorials folder of your Cinema 4D R14 installation directory. For example: C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R14\tutorials

  • Restart Cinema 4D R14: Close Cinema 4D R14 if it is running and then launch it again. You should see the interface language changed to Italian.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack. Now you can enjoy Cinema 4D R14 in Italian.

How to use Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack?

Now that you have installed the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack, you may wonder how to use it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started.

How to change the interface language to Italian

If you have followed the installation steps correctly, you should see the interface language of Cinema 4D R14 changed to Italian by default. However, if you want to switch back to English or another language, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Go to the Preferences menu: Click on the Edit menu and then select Preferences. Alternatively, press Ctrl+E.

  • Select the Interface tab: In the Preferences dialog, select the Interface tab on the left side.

  • Select the language: In the Interface tab, select the language you want from the drop-down menu. For example, select English (US) if you want to change the interface language to English.

  • Restart Cinema 4D R14: Click on OK to save your changes and then close and reopen Cinema 4D R14. You should see the interface language changed to your selected language.

You can change the interface language of Cinema 4D R14 anytime you want by following these steps.

How to access the Italian documentation and tutorials

If you want to learn more about Cinema 4D R14 and its features, you can access the Italian documentation and tutorials that are included in the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack. Here is how:

  • To access the Italian documentation: Click on the Help menu and then select Manuale (Manual). Alternatively, press F1. You will see a browser window open with the Italian version of the Cinema 4D R14 documentation. You can browse through the topics, search for keywords, or follow links to learn more about Cinema 4D R14.

  • To access the Italian tutorials: Click on the Help menu and then select Tutorial (Tutorials). Alternatively, press F2. You will see a browser window open with a list of Italian video tutorials that cover some of the features of Cinema 4D R14. You can click on any tutorial to watch it or download it for offline viewing.

The Italian documentation and tutorials are a great way to learn Cinema 4D R14 in your native language. They can help you to understand the software better, improve your skills, and inspire your creativity.

How to create a simple 3D model in Cinema 4D R14 with Italian language pack

If you want to try out Cinema 4D R14 with Italian language pack, you can follow this simple tutorial to create a basic 3D model of a coffee cup. Here are the steps:

  • Create a new project: Click on File menu and then select Nuovo (New). Alternatively, press Ctrl+N. You will see a new empty project in Cinema 4D R14.

  • Create a cylinder object: Click on Oggetto menu and then select Primitiva (Primitive). Then select Cilindro (Cylinder). Alternatively, press Shift+C and type Cilindro. You will see a cylinder object appear in the viewport and in the Object Manager.

  • Rename the cylinder object: In the Object Manager, double-click on Cilindro and rename it as Corpo (Body). This will help you to identify your objects later.

  • Edit the cylinder object: In the Object Manager, click on Corpo and then go to its Attributes Manager. Change its Radius to 50 cm, Height to 100 cm, Height Segments to 1, Rotation Segments to 36, and Orientation to +Z. This will make your cylinder object look like a coffee cup body.

  • Create a sphere object: Click on Oggetto menu and then select Primitiva (Primitive). Then select Sfera (Sphere). Alternatively, press Shift+C and type Sfera. You will see a sphere object appear in the viewport and in the Object Manager.

  • Rename the sphere object: In the Object Manager, double-click on Sfera and rename it as Manico (Handle). This will help you to identify your objects later.

  • Edit the sphere object: In the Object Manager, click on Manico and then go to its Attributes Manager. Change its Radius to 10 cm, Segments to 24, and Type to Standard. This will make your sphere object look like a coffee cup handle.

  • Move the sphere object: In the viewport, switch to the Move tool by clicking on its icon or pressing E. Then drag the sphere object along the X axis until it is outside the cylinder object. You can also use the coordinates in the Attributes Manager to adjust its position. For example, set its X coordinate to 60 cm.

  • Scale the sphere object: In the viewport, switch to the Scale tool by clicking on its icon or pressing T. Then drag the sphere object along the Y and Z axes until it is flattened. You can also use the coordinates in the Attributes Manager to adjust its scale. For example, set its Y and Z scale to 0.2.

  • Create a bend deformer: Click on Oggetto menu and then select Deformatore (Deformer). Then select Piega (Bend). Alternatively, press Shift+C and type Piega. You will see a bend deformer appear in the viewport and in the Object Manager.

  • Rename the bend deformer: In the Object Manager, double-click on Piega and rename it as Curva (Curve). This will help you to identify your objects later.

  • Edit the bend deformer: In the Object Manager, click on Curva and then go to its Attributes Manager. Change its Strength to 90, Mode to Limited, Angle to 90, Keep Y-Axis Length to On, and Fit To Parent to On. This will make your bend deformer curve your sphere object into a half-circle shape.

  • Parent the bend deformer: In the Object Manager, drag and drop Curva onto Manico. This will make your bend deformer affect only your sphere object.

  • Create a boolean object: Click on Oggetto menu and then select Modellazione (Modeling). Then select Booleano (Boolean). Alternatively, press Shift+C and type Booleano. You will see a boolean object appear in the viewport and in the Object Manager.

  • Rename the boolean object: In the Object Manager, double-click on Booleano and rename it as Tazza (Cup). This will help you to identify your objects later.

  • Edit the boolean object: In the Object Manager, click on Tazza and then go to its Attributes Manager. Change its Mode to A Subtract B. This will make your boolean object subtract one object from another.

  • Parent the cylinder and sphere objects: In the Object Manager, drag and drop Corpo onto Tazza. Then drag and drop Manico onto Tazza. This will make your boolean object subtract your sphere object from your cylinder object, creating a hole for the handle.

  • Add a material: In the Material Manager, click on File menu and then select Nuovo Materiale (New Material). Alternatively, press Ctrl+N. You will see a new material appear in the Material Manager.

  • Edit the material: Double-click on the new material to open its Material Editor. Change its name to Rosso (Red). Then change its Color channel to a red color of your choice. For example, set its RGB values to 255, 0, 0.

  • Apply the material: Drag and drop Rosso onto Tazza in the Object Manager or in the viewport. This will apply your red material to your cup object.

Congratulations, you have created a simple 3D model of a coffee cup in Cinema 4D R14 with Italian language pack. You can render it by clicking on Render menu and then selecting Renderizza Vista (Render View). Alternatively, press Ctrl+R. You can also save it by clicking on File menu and then selecting Salva Progetto con Asset (Save Project with Assets). Alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+S.


In this article, we have shown you In this article, we have shown you how to install and use the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack, a free add-on that allows you to enjoy Cinema 4D in your native language. We have also given you some tips and tricks to help you get started with Cinema 4D R14 and its features. We hope you have found this article useful and informative.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack:

Q: Does the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack work with other versions of Cinema 4D?

A: No, the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack is only compatible with Cinema 4D R14. If you are using a newer version of Cinema 4D, such as R25, you can change the interface language to Italian from the Preferences menu without installing any add-on.

Q: Where can I find more Italian resources for Cinema 4D?

A: You can find more Italian resources for Cinema 4D on the official website, such as forums, blogs, events, webinars, etc. You can also check out some online courses, books, magazines, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc. that are dedicated to Cinema 4D in Italian.

Q: How can I update the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack?

A: You can update the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack by downloading and installing the latest version from the official website. You can also check for updates from the Help menu or by pressing F12.

Q: How can I uninstall the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack?

A: You can uninstall the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack by deleting the language and tutorials folders that you copied into your Cinema 4D R14 installation directory. You can also change the interface language back to English or another language from the Preferences menu.

Q: How can I contact the developers of the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack?

A: You can contact the developers of the Cinema 4D R14 Italian Language Pack by sending an email to or by filling out the contact form on the official website. You can also follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. dcd2dc6462


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