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Buy Personal Data _BEST_

There is now a myriad of ways through which malicious individuals can take advantage of unsuspecting victims online, including the theft of personal data. This data is often sold on the dark web, the underbelly of the internet.

buy personal data

Many associate the dark web with Silk Road, an online marketplace that can be used to buy any number of illegal drugs. And, yes, many do use the dark web for this purpose. But a number of other products can be bought on the dark web, including fake passports and degrees, malware, weapons, and sensitive personal information.

Though not all sites on the dark web are used for illegal purposes, the anonymity it can provide has made it rife with cybercriminals, and the personal data market certainly makes up a hefty portion of this elusive part of the internet. So, how and why do criminals sell this sensitive data on the dark web?

What many don't realize is that their personal data is highly valuable. There's no end to what someone can do with your personal data. They can make purchases with your money with your payment details, use your streaming account for entertainment with your email address, or even receive free medical care using your social security number. This is why the personal data market exists on the dark web.

If a cybercriminal manages to access enough data, they can make thousands, or even millions, by selling it on the dark web. There are thousands of individuals who use the dark web to buy personal data to use it for their own benefit, and this market is only getting bigger over time.

You might be wondering just how these criminal dark web sellers get their hands on personal data. This is often done via data breaches of large organizations. After a cybercriminal infiltrates a database and steals large amounts of data, they often head to the dark web to sell off individual bits or large chunks of the harbored data to users on the dark web.

Once an individual's data is put up for sale on the dark web, it is incredibly difficult to get it removed. Most people have no idea that their data is being sold in this way until it's too late. This is why data breaches can be so dangerous.

The value of this data depends on what you can do with it. Payment card details are pretty commonplace on the dark web, with the price differing depending on the data provided. For example, if a CVV is not present, the price goes down, as this makes the card less useable.

Email addresses are another hot commodity on the dark web. These can be used to access any accounts they're associated with. Given that people often use one email address for everything, cybercriminals can often access a range of accounts using this data.

Cryptocurrency exchange accounts are also sold on the dark web, as the payoff can be huge if the hacked account is storing a lot of crypto. Because of this, crypto exchange accounts are among the most expensive kinds of data available for purchase on the dark web.

It's becoming easier for cybercriminals to access personal data in a number of ways. And, as we continue to entrust our sensitive information to more sites and companies, we increase the risk of our data being stolen through large-scale breaches. There's really no knowing just how big the personal data market will get on the dark web. All we can do is stay vigilant and try to keep our data as safe as possible.

Equifax is the oldest company covered here, established in Georgia, US in 1899. Credit references were its core business from the beginning, as well as providing data to insurance companies to assess risk and set premiums. In the 1970s, the company was criti cise d based on a perception that it was selling data on personal beha viour such as sexual orientation, playing along with a theory that such characteristics could predict the likelihood of people repaying their loans. Today Equifax is said to hold information on 800 million individuals around the world, with revenues of $3.1 billion last year.

Identity trackersInstead of using a cookie, these rare trackers follow people using personally identifiable information, such as their email address. They collect this data by hiding on login pages where people enter their credentials.

I Sold My Data for Crypto. Here's How Much I MadeA new wave of companies is peddling an alluring message: Users should own their own data and get a cut of its value, instead of allowing it to be monetized by advertising companies and data brokers for free. Sign up for one of these apps and the buyers will contact you directly, offering cryptocurrency tokens in exchange for information like your bank transactions, medical history, or the fluctuations of your smart thermostat.

By buying data rather than obtaining it pursuant to a subpoena, warrant, or court order, federal agencies are circumventing the basic safeguard against abusive policing enshrined in the Fourth Amendment: the requirement that police obtain a warrant from a judge before conducting a search or seizure.

It is incongruous for federal agencies to take the position that there are few legal limitations on their purchase of location data. Congress has made it clear that procedural, legal safeguards are required even for the bulk collection of data. For example, in the foreign intelligence context, a court order was required for the collection of information under Section 215 of the Patriot Act prior to its expiration in March 2020. If Congress were unwilling to allow unregulated, bulk procurement of data for national security purposes, where it is generally more permissive on privacy issues, why would it allow it in the domestic context? By using their purchasing power to obtain massive amounts of data without any judicial or legislative oversight, agencies are creating and exploiting unintended loopholes in existing privacy laws like the Stored Communications Act.

Secrecy magnifies the problem. For example, a public records request recently revealed that although court documents suggested an arrest by federal authorities was related to a routine traffic stop, the suspect was actually apprehended using cell phone location data purchased by ICE. This lack of transparency makes it even easier for federal agencies to evade typical checks on abuses of police power because the public is unaware of the full extent of what data is being purchased, and what it is being used for.

Nevertheless, law enforcement continues to purchase data, evading both the Fourth Amendment and these democratic attempts to limit their surveillance capabilities. For instance, some police departments have attempted to circumvent bans on their use of facial recognition by purchasing facial recognition search results from third-party vendors. It is clear the current patchwork of privacy protections for consumer data is not robust enough.

Buying, selling or licensing are different ways of exchanging personal data. As a result, organisations can often quickly acquire new income. However, personal data is not a classic commodity, so can it just be traded or exchanged? What legal rules should be taken into account?

Without addressing the legal issue of the 'ownership' of personal data, some organisations realise over time that (parts of) their customer database are more valuable than first thought. Can these organisations use this personal data to make money by selling them?

Selling personal data is a separate processing activity with a separate purpose about which the data subject must be transparently informed. If the personal data were collected for an initial purpose other than sale, such as providing services or sending commercial messages from the vendor, the personal data cannot be sold.

After all, the buyer's objective is almost always incompatible with the seller's original objective. This is even more so when, as is often the case, the privacy policy of the organisation in question stipulates that personal data will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the data subject concerned.

It is therefore not easy to resell your customer database when this was not the intention at the time of collecting the personal data. However, it is also not completely impossible. However, if the transfer is not in accordance with the initial purpose, the data subjects must give their consent and be informed as explained below.

Other organisations, so-called data brokers, base their business model on the trade in personal data from the very beginning. Think of organisations that collect data from private and/or public sources and then combine these in a profile to sell them to financial institutions. These profiles can be used to assess a person's creditworthiness.

Organisations with such a business model are also subject to the rules of the GDPR. At the time of collection of the personal data, the data subject must be informed about the legal basis for the processing and their rights, but also about the transfer of their personal data to other organisations. It is recommended that data brokers document their processes and obligations under the GDPR in great detail in order to be prepared for due diligence by the buyer (see below under point 3).

It follows from the recommendation of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA) on direct marketing that transparency in the transfer of personal data is very important. For example, data subjects should be informed about the processing of their personal data by the data broker and more information about the transfer should be provided, such as:

When it comes to publicly available information, such as available on a public Facebook profile, the data broker should be very cautious. The fact that personal data are publicly available does not mean that they can be collected (by scraping), enriched and resold. The data broker must always observe the purpose for which this information has been made public by the data subject. 041b061a72


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